Sunday, 10 September 2023
Wednesday, 5 July 2023
How to mask Tinnitus for Tinnitus relief.
Tinnitus Masker 10kHz Noise is Out of This World.
This is the best Tinnitus relief I have found in over four years. It has really helped me.
Many of you may know that I have been suffering with disabling Tinnitus for over four years now.
I have tried all sorts of vitamins. Herbs. Herbal Tinctures. Chiropractic treatments. Medical drugs. Acupuncture. And the list goes on.
Because as any one else who suffers with Tinnitus knows ,it can be like you are being tortured 24 hours a day and there seems to be no escape. Especially at night. This can be absolute hell. This can lead to a lack of sleep which leads to fatigue, ill health . And even mental health problems if not checked and sorted out.
Well I have some fantastic news for those with Tinnitus. I found Dalesnale - Noise Ambient on You tube. He is a sound engineer who suffers with Tinnitus himself. And he has a YouTube channel that makes tinnitus noise therapy videos.
So I have started to listen to his videos and I have downloaded some of them or the noise part anyway onto my phone. That way I can listen to them in the day if the Tinnitus is really loud.
Now amazingly for me it worked. The Tinnitus Masker 10kHz Noise is Out of This World video is the best one so far for me bearing in mind that the Tinnitus I am dealing with is a very sharp piercing high pitched sound, more like some kind of electronic frequency. And this particular video really helps to calm the Tinnitus and it really has been working for me.
The great thing about these videos is that they are free.
I think that you can buy mp3's of the videos if you need to be on the go.
So I thought I would share this great news for all of you who also have a Tinnitus problem.
If you are suffering with Tinnitus and its a new problem for you . Always go to your doctor to get yourself checked out as soon as possible.
If you have any questions please leave a comment below or if you can help other people with Tinnitus then we would love to hear what helps you.
You can support me here:
Try a free Tinnitus hypnotherapy session here.
Saturday, 9 July 2022
My Tinnitus coping strategies. How I am living with Tinnitus.
My Tinnitus coping strategies| How I am living with Tinnitus.
#tinnitus #tinnitushelp #tinnitusadvice
Herbal Tincture SKULLCAP USA:
Tuesday, 5 July 2022
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Tinnitus - Does it work? Tinnitus cure.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Tinnitus.
Could hyperbaric Oxygen therapy get rid of your Tinnitus?
Monday, 4 July 2022
How I Got Better From Tinnitus
How I Got Better From Tinnitus.
Positive Tinnitus story. You can cure your Tinnitus.
Sunday, 3 July 2022
I cured my Tinnitus. Orlando's story.
Tinnitus meeting Tinnitus to silence Julian Cowan Hill.
Many people are suffering with Tinnitus of one sort or another. Tinnitus sounds or ringing in the ear sounds vary, but if you are suffering from a Tinnitus condition chances are you are probably wondering if you will have to put up with Tinnitus for the rest of your.
Saturday, 2 July 2022
Tinnitus to Silence: David Lam
Tinnitus. Positive stories of people who got rid of their Tinnitus.
I will be sharing Tinnitus to silence meeting with Julian Cowan Hill. Here he allows people who have suffered terrible Tinnitus to tell their positive stories about how they got rid of Tinnitus.
I have mapped out my Tinnitus journey so far on You tube HERE:
Sunday, 5 May 2019
Treating Tinnitus - Hypnotherapy
Treating Tinnitus - Hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy for Tinnitus sufferers. A useful hypnotherapy session to help with Tinnitus,ringing in the ears. Susan Robichaud takes you through a deep hypnotherapy session to get into a very relaxed state and helps you let go of your Tinnitus on a subconscious level. A big thank you to Susan Robichaud for this Tinnitus hypnotherapy session. If this session helped with your Tinnitus please leave a comment below. It may take a few sessions to be able to feel some benefit from this Tinnitus hypnotherapy session depending on your circumstances.
Thursday, 2 May 2019
Clearing sinuses to help tinnitus
Clearing sinuses to help tinnitus.
Clearing sinuses to help tinnitus. Bringing down inflammation after a cold or clearing blocked sinuses can help tinnitus back down. Using micropore tape to hold lips gently together at night time can help open up the sinuses and improve breathing. When the senses are clear and comfortable this helps the activation come down.
Sunday, 28 April 2019
Tinnitus Relief through Products: Acupressure Mat
Tinnitus Relief through Products: Acupressure Mat.
If you are looking for ways to ease your Tinnitus then using and acupressure mat may help you. These mats can help relieve stress and have helped some people with their Tinnitus condition.There are also many videos on Youtube to show you how to use an accupressure mat. Constant Tinnitus can drive some people to distraction and so if you are looking for a new way to relieve Tinnitus then give an acupressure mat a try.
Acupressure Mat.
Monday, 22 April 2019
12 HOURS of Blue Noise - Tinnitus Masking Sleep Aid w/ HD Visuals
Tinnitus Masking Sleep Aid w/ HD Visuals.
Tinnitus sound masking video to help with severe Tinnitus and give relief from constant ringing or noises in the head and ears.If you suffer with severe Tinnitus then finding any way of getting a break from this Tinnitus condition is so important for a persons sanity. Check out this video and let me know in the comments below if this has helped you. Or of you have any suggestions of things that have helped your Tinnitus then please let me know in comments.
Thursday, 18 April 2019
Can Chiropractic Help With Tinnitus?
Can Chiropractic Help With Tinnitus?
A very short video that may give hope to so many Tinnitus sufferers. Check out your local Chiropractor to get help with Tinnitus suffering. Also I have mentioned before what may work with some people who suffer with Tinnitus, may not help with others and visa versa. But Chiropractic therapy may well be worth looking into if you suffer with buzzing or ringing in the ears and head or suffer with more serious disabling Tinnitus.
Friday, 12 April 2019
Tinnitus cure. My tinnitus cure and how i got rid of the ringing.
Tinnitus cure. My tinnitus cure and how i got rid of the ringing.
If you are suffering with Tinnitus then most people are desperate to try almost anything for some relief from the sounds in their head and ears. What seems to work for some people with Tinnitus may not work for others and vise versa. However this guy seems to have found a way to cure himself through regular massage,clicking his neck and spine. Although this may seem a little harsh to some. Chiropractic therapy may well be a way to go for yourself. If you have had success with similar treatments or have any helpful tips and information for people with Tinnitus please leave a comment below.
Thursday, 4 April 2019
10 Celebrities With Tinnitus
10 Celebrities With Tinnitus.
Many top stars suffer with Tinnitus. Here is a list of 10 celebrities who have had problems with the Tinnitus condition. Tinnitus can affect musicians because of noise exposure ,but tinnitus can also come from a variety of other causes. One sure way to prevent Tinnitus is to wear ear protection. This could save someone years of Tinnitus suffering. High fidelity ear plugs have now come along way for comfort and hearing sounds while protecting the precious inner ear mechanisms. The prices are also very reasonable considering the long term benefits that someone wearing them can get.
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Sound therapy for tinnitus 7000Hz
Sound therapy for tinnitus 7000 Hz.
A very interesting video developed by a French Audiologist Xavier CARRIOU to show how this sound frequency and sound pattern can help people who suffer from Tinnitus.I hope that this helps people who are suffering with various kinds of tinnitus. Please leave a comment below to let us know how you feel about this tinnitus sound therapy and whether it helped you too.
“Taurine for Tinnitus Relief: My Journey to Quieter Days”
Welcome to my channel! Tinniusbreakingnews. In this video, I share my personal journey with tinnitus and how taking 6 grams of Taurine powde...

Affirmations for Tinnitus do they work?. A simple affirmation to help stop Tinnitus. Tinnitus Hypnotherapy session |Free. ...
Tinnitus. Positive stories of people who got rid of their Tinnitus. I will be sharing Tinnitus to silence meeting with Julian Cowan ...
COULD FASTING HELP YOU RELIEVE YOUR TINNITUS? Could something like fasting actually help get rid of your Tinnitus? In this vid...