Showing posts with label high pitched tinnitus sounds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label high pitched tinnitus sounds. Show all posts
Wednesday, 13 September 2023
Wednesday, 13 July 2022
Tinnitus Flosser Sound therapy the best one yet.
Tinnitus Flosser at 8kHz May Mask Yours.
Having lived with the dreadful curse of debilitating Tinnitus for so long it really does come as a big surprise to find anything that actually helps to calm the Tinnitus noise down.
This is especially so when I am having really bad bout which can last for days and nothing really seems to help stop it.
I have been taking Lorazepam and Pregabalin for a while now, just so that I can get some sleep and try to keep some sort of life together.
The Tinnitus I suffer with is a very high pitched painful sound. And underneath that a deep graunching sound. So life has been a real struggle for quite some time.
But I am pleased to say that I have found something that amazingly does seem to calm the Tinnitus sound down.
For a few years now I have been listening to Tinnitus frequency You tube videos and videos to help you sleep. But none of those up to now have actually slowed down or even stopped this Tinnitus. Well that was until recently when I came across this video on Dales-Nale Noise ambient You tube channel.
After listening to video above my Tinnitus actually calmed right down. The intensity of the Tinnitus diminished and I really could see the difference.
Now I am not getting any financial reward for letting people know about this and I am not trying to sell this to anyone.
I just hope that this video may help Tinnitus sufferers like me to get some relief from this horrible condition no matter what caused it.
If you find that after listening to this video with headphones on that it has helped you too. Please leave a comment under this short article.
I really do hope this helps you too :).
Thanks to
Dalesnale - Noise Ambient You Tube
Source You Tube
Thursday, 7 July 2022
The low-cost way to let go of tinnitus
The low-cost way to let go of tinnitus.

If you have money problems due to Tinnitus please don't panic.
There is plenty you can do that costs very little that can help you settle your tinnitus. Julian makes some suggestions here and you can add a lot more to get you on track to soothing and settling yourself down cheaply, so that your nervous system comes out of fight or flight and your tinnitus backs off.
When you are suffering with Disabling Tinnitus or debilitating Tinnitus you might have so many problems that you might not be able to work. Insomnia, low moods, isolation, and other medical problems can cause a person's life to almost fall apart. Money problems ,relationship problems may occur. And so a Tinnitus sufferer may not be in a position to be able to afford expensive therapies even if these might help him or her with their Tinnitus condition's.
In America alone there are said to be a staggering fifty million Americans suffering with some form of Tinnitus problem.Two million of those are suffering with debilitating Tinnitus where it affects their ability to function properly in daily life.
There are however things that a Tinnitus sufferer can do that do not cost any money. Watch the video above for more information.
Please leave a comment and let me know where you are with your Tinnitus, and if you have any ways that help you either get rid of Tinnitus, of help live with your Tinnitus sounds. Thank you.
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Tinnitus from Tyrant to friend. |
Monday, 24 June 2019
What my Tinnitus sounds like .Tinnitus sound.
#tinnitus #tinnitushelp #hearingloss
What my Tinnitus sounds like .Tinnitus sound.
#tinnitus #insomnia #tinnituscure
Tinnitus my story.PT 1| How to get rid of Tinnitus.
#tinnitus #insomnia #tinnituscure
Tinnitus my story.PT 1| How to get rid of Tinnitus.
Jason Vale Juice program UK:
Jason Vale Juice program USA:
Black seed oil UK: (This is the one I am using).
Black seed oil USA:
CBD Oil :
Tinnitus book Julian Cowan Hill;
So what are my Tinnitus sounds that I hear in my head like?
Well the first one sounds like a little pumping station far off in the distance chugging gently along as if this sound is coming up through the framework of my house. The second and most damaging Tinnitus sound I hear is a high pitched electronic kind of frequency. This Tinnitus sound is a searing piercing frequency that is extremely loud at night and has caused me great trouble with sleeping.The worrying thing for me is that it increased in volume quite quickly over about six months.
It has affected my ability to work,has caused me to become down,and if I don't get any sleep for three or four nights I stop being able to function properly. This has had an effect on my home life too. Disabling Tinnitus or debilitating Tinnitus is not rare either. In the USA 50 million Americans suffer with Tinnitus of one sort or another.
To get rid of my Tinnitus I am trying Black seed oil. This comes from the Cumin plant from the middle east. I have been taking this to help with my Tinnitus ,but it usually takes six weeks to work. I have only been taking it for 28 days so hopefully it may work soon. I am also trying CBD oil for sleep. This has had a small effect even although I have been taking it just for a few days. My Tinnitus sound has slightly decreased and changed tone. But it is still there. As for CBD oil for sleeping,I have not noticed any effects as yet but again it is early days. I am putting my hopes into Wheatgrass for Tinnitus. By this I hope to gain essential live enzymes and vitamins plus minerals which are found in fresh wheatgrass juice. I will be making videos about my experience with all of these in the future to let you know if they are working to get rid of Tinnitus. Or if they have lessened the Tinnitus sounds in my head.
I am trying different ways to get rid of Tinnitus. Or to stop Tinnitus. There are Tinnitus treatments. However I have not found one that works. To get Tinnitus relief I was given some tiny hearing aids which also double as white noise masking devices. These are very useful if my Tinnitus noises,spike and get louder. At night I may use a white noise machine. With Tinnitus sound therapy. In the form of Youtube videos to help relax and keep calm.
Please feel free to comment if you have had success with anything to stop Tinnitus. Or perhaps you have found better ways to cope with having Tinnitus. Tinnitus sufferers are usually desperate to get rid Tinnitus condition. So we are all in this together.
For Tinnitus tips and Tinnitus advice go to
Here are some useful sites that can help you with Tinnitus.
NHS Tinnitus :
American Tinnitus society :
So what are my Tinnitus sounds that I hear in my head like?
Well the first one sounds like a little pumping station far off in the distance chugging gently along as if this sound is coming up through the framework of my house. The second and most damaging Tinnitus sound I hear is a high pitched electronic kind of frequency. This Tinnitus sound is a searing piercing frequency that is extremely loud at night and has caused me great trouble with sleeping.The worrying thing for me is that it increased in volume quite quickly over about six months.
It has affected my ability to work,has caused me to become down,and if I don't get any sleep for three or four nights I stop being able to function properly. This has had an effect on my home life too. Disabling Tinnitus or debilitating Tinnitus is not rare either. In the USA 50 million Americans suffer with Tinnitus of one sort or another.
To get rid of my Tinnitus I am trying Black seed oil. This comes from the Cumin plant from the middle east. I have been taking this to help with my Tinnitus ,but it usually takes six weeks to work. I have only been taking it for 28 days so hopefully it may work soon. I am also trying CBD oil for sleep. This has had a small effect even although I have been taking it just for a few days. My Tinnitus sound has slightly decreased and changed tone. But it is still there. As for CBD oil for sleeping,I have not noticed any effects as yet but again it is early days. I am putting my hopes into Wheatgrass for Tinnitus. By this I hope to gain essential live enzymes and vitamins plus minerals which are found in fresh wheatgrass juice. I will be making videos about my experience with all of these in the future to let you know if they are working to get rid of Tinnitus. Or if they have lessened the Tinnitus sounds in my head.
I am trying different ways to get rid of Tinnitus. Or to stop Tinnitus. There are Tinnitus treatments. However I have not found one that works. To get Tinnitus relief I was given some tiny hearing aids which also double as white noise masking devices. These are very useful if my Tinnitus noises,spike and get louder. At night I may use a white noise machine. With Tinnitus sound therapy. In the form of Youtube videos to help relax and keep calm.
Please feel free to comment if you have had success with anything to stop Tinnitus. Or perhaps you have found better ways to cope with having Tinnitus. Tinnitus sufferers are usually desperate to get rid Tinnitus condition. So we are all in this together.
For Tinnitus tips and Tinnitus advice go to
Here are some useful sites that can help you with Tinnitus.
NHS Tinnitus :
American Tinnitus society :
Thursday, 9 May 2019
Tinnitus documentary - A subtle ghost
Tinnitus documentary - A subtle ghost.
A documentary about some people living with Tinnitus.
If your suffering with Tinnitus then to know you are not suffering alone can help you. Many millions of people suffer with Tinnitus around the world. Learning to live with Tinnitus can be difficult but there are some way's to try and deal with Tinnitus and make life a little easier.
Some people actually cure their Tinnitus by different means. So despite what a lot of doctors may tell you all is not lost. If you are one of these people who has not found a way to get rid of Tinnitus,then here is a list of ways to help relieve the suffering you are experiencing.
Have this next to your bed side these can play various masking sounds to reduce the Tinnitus sounds.
Nature sounds and soothing music reduce the contrast between Tinnitus and Quiet places.
Small comfortable devices that that amplify sound. More sound makes your Tinnitus sound less:
Hearing aids specially made for Tinnitus with masking programs installed in them to mask the Tinnitus sounds:
Certain exercises help reduce Tinnitus intensity.
YOGA and MEDITATION can be helpful especially when taught by a health professional.
Some people react to certain foods and alcohol and this can sometimes affect their Tinnitus causing Tinnitus spikes. So eating a healthy diet is so important. Exercising regularly can also help keep you fit but also can take your mind of Tinnitus.
Now for a lot of people it may be too late for hearing protection. However when using guns,being in contact with loud music,lawn mowing,and using other noise producing devices,it may still be worth investing in some hearing protection.
Listen to music at sensible levels,if using head phones or even in the home.
Try and think positively even although this may be difficult with Tinnitus noises in your head. But Tinnitus does seem to be made worse when people are in negative moods and angry situations.
A good sleep routine is important. Try and avoid big meals and alcohol before bedtime. Also avoid recreational drugs and watching TV,or surfing the net.
If you found any of these things useful or you have anything which has helped you with your Tinnitus. Please leave a comment below. Thank you.
#tinnitushelp #tinnitusawareness #tinnitussucks #tinnitus #tratamientotinnitus #earlogicamerica #tinnituslife #tinnitustherapy #colombia #zumbido #audici #perdidadeaudicion #healthyhappylife #healthmatters #lifecoaching #positivepsychology #outringyourtinnitus #lifewithtinnitus #tinnitussupport #tinnitussuccess #positivity #hearing #audiology #hearingloss #qualityoflife #tinnitusrelief #insomnia #insomniacure #insomniaproblems #cantsleep
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Sound therapy for tinnitus 7000Hz
Sound therapy for tinnitus 7000 Hz.
A very interesting video developed by a French Audiologist Xavier CARRIOU to show how this sound frequency and sound pattern can help people who suffer from Tinnitus.I hope that this helps people who are suffering with various kinds of tinnitus. Please leave a comment below to let us know how you feel about this tinnitus sound therapy and whether it helped you too.
#tinnitussoundtherapy #SoundOasis #sleepsoundtherapy #sleepbetter #feelbetter #livebetter #newproduct #ordertodayandsave #sleepaid #sleepingbeauty #wellrested #tinnitus #tinnitustherapy #tinnitushelp #tinnitusresource #tinnitussupport #letstalkabouttinnitus #heretohelp #tinnitussucks #tinnitusawareness #audiology #audiologist #hearing #protection #ears #ppe #noise #mypeople #masking #triggered
Sunday, 17 March 2019
What Does Tinnitus Sound Like to you?
What Does Tinnitus Sound Like to you?
If your suffering with tinnitus in whatever form many of you will know that this condition is awful. My own tinnitus sounds in my head are nearly the same as tone no4 on the video,how ever much louder. Like an electric high frequency microwave going through my brain 24/7.
I like many of you have tried and continue to try different ways to get rid of the tinnitus sounds, or at least ,try to live with this terrible condition. I still hope to find a cure for the tinnitus that I suffer with. Please leave comments below about your condition or what you have found to either rid yourselves of tinnitus or help to live with this condition.
#tinnitus #tinnitussucks #TinnitusMONO #tinnitusawareness #tinnitushelp #tinnitusblog #tinnituslife #presacanarion #stpatricksday #chooselife #yoga #exercise #gym #lovework #luxurycars #live #stretch #breathe #traditionalchinesemedicine #namaste #sleep #meditation #warrior #grateful #guinness #propertwelve #lovelife #acouph #exorciste #cin
Tuesday, 26 February 2019
Update: I cured my Tinnitus with vitamin d3
Update: I cured my Tinnitus with vitamin d3
Talk to your doctor first, these dosages might risk your health. Take blood tests before and during the therapy, if you decide to do it. For a month, here are my dosages: Vitamin D3: for men 32.000 IU, for women 24.000 IU daily. + Vitamin K2 (200 MICROgrams daily, NOT milligrams!!!)
Vitamin D3: for men 32.000 IU, for women 24.000 IU daily. + Vitamin K2 (200 MICROgrams daily, NOT milligrams!!!)
#tinnitus #tinnitussucks #tinnitusblog #TinnitusMONO #tinnitusawareness #tinnitushelp #TinnitusRecording #ramsayhuntsyndrome #amateurphotography #canon60d #photography #couldentsleep #walkinnature #reminder4myself #ignorethenoise #mrtyougotnopoweroverme #bepositive #livelifehappy #mytherapy #workout #staycalm #restisnotoverrated #focusonthegood #chronicillness #lifeisdifficultbutnotimpossible #iwillnotletthisdefeatme #fighter #willpoweriseverything #profdrfatihoktem #drfatihoktem
Sunday, 10 February 2019
Tinnitus Relief Night time - with Binaural Beats - Deep Theta for Sleep ...
Tinnitus Relief Night Time.With Binaural Beats-Deep Theta For Sleep.
Art of Zen presents tinnitus neuromodultion with binaural beats and icochronic tones for guided relaxation and to cure tinnitus. Meditation Music for Positive Energy. Peaceful music for deep meditation, music therapy or to fall asleep fast. This relaxing composition can be used as Deep Meditation Music, Music for Yoga and Pilates , Music for Massage , Spa Music. Also this music is perfect as dream music, Healing music, Study Music, Sleep Music and music for the complete Relaxation/ This music can be described as 432 hz meditation binaural, 432 hz binaural beats, 432 hz binaural beats 8hz, 432 hz binaural beats sleep, 432 hz binaural beats you tube, 432hz binaural meditation music, 432hz binaural meditation beats, 432hz binaural meditation youtube, 432hz binaural meditation for mood, 432hz meditation guides intuition psychic, 432hz binaural meditation sleep, 432hz binaural meditation guided, 432hz binaural meditation relaxation, 432hz binaural meditation techniques.
Please leave a comment below if you have found this video useful and if you have any other Tinnitus relief ideas.
#tinnitus #tinnitushelp #tinnituslife #tinnitusblog #tinnitussucks #TinnitusMONO #tinnitusawareness #travel #travelphotography #florenceaz #arizona #pinalcounty #pinal #Tinnitus #anselelgort #edgarwright #mozartinagokart #babydriver #fandom #fandomedit #tinnitusawarenessweek #earplugs #guitarist #musicians #mindfultinnitus #mindfulness #mindful #heal #feelbetter #livebeautifullymindfullywell
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
How to live with Tinnitus.
How to live with tinnitus.
Living with tinnitus can be difficult. Treatment and coping strategies can help.
Here is some simple advice which may help you cope with the constant noise of tinnitus also known as ringing ears:
- Avoid anxiety or stress, as these stimulate an already sensitive hearing system.
- Have adequate rest and avoid fatigue.
- Avoid the use of stimulants to the nervous system, including coffee (caffeine), alcohol, and smoking (nicotine).
- Sleep with your head propped up in an elevated position. This may usually be accomplished with the use of one or two extra pillows. This lessens head congestion, and tinnitus may become less noticeable.
- Be aware that tinnitus is usually more noticeable after retiring for the night and the surroundings are quieter. Any noise in the room, such as a ticking clock or softly playing radio, helps to mask tinnitus and make it less irritating.
- Use a tinnitus masker if you find this helpful
- Some people benefit by using a hearing aid as it amplifies outside noise (like masking)
- Avoid situations that can further damage hearing (excessive noise), and protect your ears from injury and occupational hazards. Use protective ear wear when appropriate.
- Some people receive considerably relief in alternative therapies
- Counseling may be beneficial, especially if people are afraid that they have a serious or progressive disease, such as a brain tumor. Some people worry they may have a mental illness, because the noise is "in their head." Reassurance by a specialist helps to calm such fears and anxieties.
- Occasionally, the cause of tinnitus can be treated. For instance, if the noise in the ears is caused by a middle ear infection, antibiotics may solve the problem. Living with tinnitus from ehealthMD -
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