Sunday, 3 July 2022

I cured my Tinnitus. Orlando's story.


tinnitus cure,tinnitus sounds,tinnitus sound therapy,tinnitus positive story

Tinnitus meeting Tinnitus to silence Julian Cowan Hill.

Many people are suffering with Tinnitus of one sort or another. Tinnitus sounds or ringing in the ear sounds vary, but if you are suffering from a Tinnitus condition chances are you are probably wondering if you will have to put up with Tinnitus for the rest of your.

Many ENT specialists will tell their patients or clients that Tinnitus is due to damage to the ears and that there is no known cure. So you will have to learn to live with it.

This may be trying to mask the Tinnitus sounds with masking devices. And maybe taking anti depressants or tranquilizers to calm you down. Of course taking any prescription medication long term will have side effects and are generally not a good idea.

People are usually so desperate and frightened that they may go along with their health professionals advice. And the Tinnitus either just gets worse or Tinnitus sufferers just have to learn to put up with it. Unfortunately for some the Tinnitus sounds may be so loud or uncomfortable that they may take their own life.

So to find positive Tinnitus stories where people have managed to get rid of Tinnitus is really encouraging and inspiring for those of us who still suffer with terrible Tinnitus.

Many people who do find way's to cure their Tinnitus usually do this naturally with out the use of pharmaceutical drugs. People may find Craniosacral therapy ,meditationYoga, or
 Tai chi help them on their way to a Tinnitus cure.

We would like to say thank you to Julian Cowan Hill who is an expert in the field of Tinnitus after suffering with it himself for many years. You can watch more on his You tube channel.

If you are suffering with any form of Tinnitus, please feel free to leave a comment below to help others. And if you have found something which has helped you cure your Tinnitus please let us all know. 

Wishing you all a peaceful silence Royston.

tinnitus sufferer,tinnitus treatment,tinnitus relief,tinnitus stories,tinnitus

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