Showing posts with label ways to get rid of tinnitus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ways to get rid of tinnitus. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 June 2019



black seed oil,balck seed oil cure for tinnitus,black seed oil for ringing in ears

Tinnitus my story.PT 1| How to get rid of Tinnitus.
Jason Vale Juice program UK:
Jason Vale Juice program USA:
Black seed oil UK: (This is the one I am using).
Black seed oil USA:
Tinnitus book Julian Cowan Hill;

Black seed oil for Tinnitus.

Tinnitus is a dreadful condition that many people suffer from around the world. People who suffer with disabling Tinnitus. Or Tinnitus in general want to get rid of Tinnitus sounds in their head. There are many different ways that people who are suffering a Tinnitus condition try to stop Tinnitus. Tinnitus treatments,and natural Tinnitus treatments are many so it is worth trying some of these out to see if it will help you to get rid of your Tinnitus. In this video I touch on the uses of Black seed oil and also how it may help you if you are suffering from Tinnitus. I explain my own awful Tinnitus, and how I am trying different things to try and rid myself of Tinnitus. I may have triggered Tinnitus due to high noise exposure.Tinnitus and mould. I did live in a house that had a recurrent black mould problem which may have also contributed to my Tinnitus. Whatever the reason I now want to get rid of my Tinnitus and live a normal life again. Black seed oil comes from the Cumin(Nigella Sativa) plant in the middle east. It has been used for thousands of years to treat different diseases and ailments. Mohammed said that it can cure everything apart from death. And it is known the Pharos in Egypt revered its uses too. Check this article to read the history and benefits of Black seed oil. The part that we are interested in is the fact that Black seed oil may help regulate your blood sugars. If someone is producing to much Insulin then this may help to put your body back into balance thus reducing or eliminating your Tinnitus. This may work for some people but maybe not others, as with all the Tinnitus treatments out there at the moment. So taking Black seed oil for six weeks as a minimum may help you with your Tinnitus. Of course you are probably using Tinnitus sound therapies. White noise machines and other things to help you stop hearing Tinnitus sounds in your head. If you have has success with anything that has lessened or even got rid of Tinnitus. Please leave a comment below. For Tinnitus help.Tinnitus tips.Please go to


(Disclaimer always consult your doctor or health professional if in doubt about taking Black seed oil).

Sunday, 23 June 2019

My Tinnitus story PT 2.|Ways to get rid of Tinnitus.

My Tinnitus story PT 2.

tinnitus sounds,tinnitus sound,tinnitus sound therapy,tinnitus help,tinnitus ideas,

My Tinnitus story PT 2.|Ways to get rid of Tinnitus.
Jason Vale Juice program UK:
Jason Vale Juice program USA:
Black seed oil UK: (This is the one I am using).
Black seed oil USA:
Tinnitus book Julian Cowan Hill;

My Tinnitus story PT 2.

In this video I cover in depth how I got Tinnitus. Tinnitus causes. I also cover, how to get rid of Tinnitus. Ways to get rid of Tinnitus. And Tinnitus treatments, I am trying at the moment. CBD Oil for Tinnitus. Wheatgrass to help with Tinnitus. And Black seed oil for Tinnitus. I also explain what the doctors advised for me with my Tinnitus problems.The doctors wanted me to go onto antidepressants and sleeping pills. I did not feel my Tinnitus condition would be helped by antidepressants. Knowing, how to get rid of Tinnitus can be frustrating with so many people telling you that they may have a Tinnitus cure. However what I have found is that what may work to stop tinnitus in one person, may not work for another person. And so it really does seem to be a case of trial end error with many of these Tinnitus cures and remedies.
Black mould and Tinnitus. Is touched on briefly in this video. I did live in a house which had a black mould problem and when cleaning and preparing the walls for painting I may have well breathed a lot of this in.and this could account for the giant increase in volume of my Tinnitus sounds in my head,they came on fairly quickly. Liam Bohem touches in this in some of his videos on Youtube. I also explain how certain minerals and supplements can help stop Tinnitus in some people or at least lessen the Tinnitus sounds, in their head. I have tried, Ginkgo Biloba, Zinc,Magnesium and a multi mineral tablets,also Turmeric with black pepper all of which did not work to get rid of Tinnitus for me. But it is worth trying these minerals and supplements if you are searching for ways to stop your Tinnitus.CHECK THIS VIDEO OUR FOR SUPPLEMENTS: Tinnitus sound therapy. Some people find relief from listening to video or music specially designed for people suffering from Tinnitus. White noise machines that mask Tinnitus sounds ,so that the Tinnitus sufferer can at least get some Tinnitus relief from the constant Tinnitus sound or sounds in their head. Meditation and Yoga can help too. And Julian Cowan Hill speaks of craniosacral therapy to cure Tinnitus, but it does not happen over night. Tinnitus therapies such as the therapies and ideas above may help get a person away from their Tinnitus condition and help to lessen habitual Tinnitus. I also speak of Wheatgrass and I do feel that this will help me tremendously because of all the live enzymes, minerals and vitamins found in live fresh Wheatgrass juice. I will cover Wheatgrass for Tinnitus in another video. Black seed oil for Tinnitus. I will also cover this in another video and let you know how I have got on with Black seed oil. CBD Oil for Tinnitus. I have just started this and will cover CBD Oil for Tinnitus in following videos as well. Tinnitus treatments. And natural Tinnitus treatments. If you have anything that has worked for you to stop Tinnitus. Or get rid of Tinnitus. Please leave a comment below to help others who are suffering with Tinnitus,or maybe Disabling Tinnitus, Debilitating Tinnitus is not funny and can affect a person life in terrible ways. How ever the purpose of my videos is to give hope to Tinnitus sufferers like my self and try to get rid of Tinnitus and stop the Tinnitus condition for good. I hope you found this video useful. If so please like, comment ,share and subscribe to my channel so that I can make more videos to help people with Tinnitus. Thank you. For more help on Tinnitus. Tinnitus tips and tricks. And Tinnitus advice. Please go to
Also useful NHS Tinnitus information : American Tinnitus association :

Friday, 12 April 2019

Tinnitus cure. My tinnitus cure and how i got rid of the ringing.

Tinnitus cure. My tinnitus cure and how i got rid of the ringing.

chiropractic treatment for tinnitus,tinnitus massage,tinnitus releief,tinnitus cure

If you are suffering with Tinnitus then most people are desperate to try almost anything for some relief from the sounds in their head and ears. What seems to work for some people with Tinnitus may not work for others and vise versa. However this guy seems to have found a way to cure himself through regular massage,clicking his neck and spine. Although this may seem a little harsh to some. Chiropractic therapy may well be a way to go for yourself. If you have had success with similar treatments or have any helpful tips and information for people with Tinnitus please leave a comment below.

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Friday, 15 March 2019



If you need relief from your tinnitus,or your tinnitus is driving you mad. Then try tinnitus sound therapy. It can give you some time out for a little while. I find this helps when trying to go to sleep. Although my own tinnitus is really loud and so even in the day time this can help me. I hope it helps you too.

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Friday, 8 February 2019

How to remove Tinnitus ringing from the brain

How to remove Tinnitus ringing from the ears.

tinnitus cure,tinnitus exercices,tinnitus relief,tinnitus remedies,tinnitus advice

Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping, whistling, or other sounds coming from inside the head.

The most common cause of tinnitus is damage in the auditory cortex in the brain. This tends to happen as people age, and it can also result from prolonged exposure to excessively loud noise. A person with tinnitus often hears "ringing in the ears," It can be temporary, or it can be chronic and persistent. Do this program two times a day. Morning and evening for two weeks. After two weeks You will start to feel that your issue will reduce by twenty five percent. If you continue past the two weeks point, it should reduce by another twenty five percent . Carry on doing the program until you completely get rid of the issue. If you want to eliminate the problem, honestly, it will take another three months. Once you feel it’s completely gone then carry on with the program two times a week for the next six months . After six months you should do it once a week just to maintain it. Let me know how you progressing. If after two weeks of doing the program and the result is still the same, you might have a deeper issue. I will give the guarantee that I will work with you for free to help you to fix your issue. Don’t forget to leave a comment and let me know how you get on.

I hope this has helped you with you Tinnitus problems. Please leave a comment below if it has or if you have any other further suggestions or experiences with Tinnitus cures or relief.

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“Taurine for Tinnitus Relief: My Journey to Quieter Days”

Welcome to my channel! Tinniusbreakingnews. In this video, I share my personal journey with tinnitus and how taking 6 grams of Taurine powde...