Having severe tinnitus can really make someone's life a nightmare.The constant ringing or high pitched noises,buzzing ,booming or swishing can literally drive someone crazy. The relentlessness of the sounds in your head can wear a person down leading to low moods depression and with some people even suicide. So learning to manage your tinnitus condition in certain ways can help you cope with this awful affliction.
If you are a tinnitus sufferer and have problems with sleeping or being able to think straight then you may have come to the point where you need to know how to cope and live with tinnitus in your life. Perhaps you have tried drinking alcohol or even prescription drugs such as Lorazepam to help you overcome the noise in your head. And still you cannot get true relief for very long. Taking sleeping pills and other prescription medication may help for a little while but when you stop taking them you are back to where you started. Not being able to sleep properly because of the tinnitus sounds in your head.
There are tinnitus products on the market that can help you try and cope with tinnitus and we will cover some of these here in this article.
Many people find that if they cannot cure their tinnitus then they try and mask the sounds in their heads by covering or masking them. This can be done in various ways.
The first place to visit if you need tinnitus masking is Youtube. Youtube has thousands of fantastic videos for helping you sleep or be able mask the sounds in your head caused by tinnitus.
There are jet sounds for sleeping. Rain for sleeping. Vacuum cleaner sounds. Hair dryers. Fans. And many many more sounds to help you mask out your tinnitus, ringing in the ears or buzzing in your head. So I would definitely recommend looking here first.
Tinnitus sound therapy can really help reduce the stress caused by feeling so uncomfortable with tinnitus sounds in your ears and head.
What other things can you try to help you cope with tinnitus?
As we are all different, so are methods of coping with tinnitus are available ,but what might help one person suffering with tinnitus ,may not help another person. So it is best to try what is out there on the market to try and give you quality of life. Because tinnitus can really start to affect your life in terrible ways. Because of lack of sleep due to tinnitus,you may start to develop medical problems. You may also suffer from mental health problems in time due to lack of sleep and stress caused by the whistling,buzzing, or noises in your head.
Tinnitus masking devices
There are on the market different tinnitus masking machines. White noise machines to help you mask the sounds that you hear in your head caused by tinnitus. These white noise machines make sounds or play music to help you take your mind off the constant tinnitus sounds in your ears and head. They can really be effective in helping with chronic tinnitus.
Sound pillows.
Sound pillows are pillows with built in speakers for your smartphone or MP3/4. You can connect up to music or even downloaded Youtube videos converted in to mp3/4 so that you do not have to wear headphones while trying to sleep these are very effective.
Ear plugs.
Ear plugs to help with tinnitus. Wearing ear plugs at night can help reduce the sounds out- side of your head and can help you relax a little bit more easily. So it is worth trying with these too.
Books on Tinnitus.
Reading books about how to cure or cope with tinnitus can help too. So my advice is read and research as much as you can. What may work for some may not work for others so try and look at all options available to you. Serious tinnitus retraining methods are explained in this book
Natural remedies for tinnitus.
Trying natural ways and remedies to help with tinnitus is also a good idea too. Getting a good night's sleep is so important so natural products that enable you to get your sleep pattern back sometimes help people who have trouble with tinnitus. Trying different remedies may help you reduce you tinnitus problem.
Acupuncture for tinnitus.
Some people have success with acupuncture and acupressure to cure or help with their tinnitus,so finding a good acupuncturist in your area may be a good way to go.As with all these suggestions to help with your tinnitus ,acupuncture may help for some people but not others. But when your suffering badly with tinnitus you may feel like trying any thing to give you some relief from the tinnitus sounds in your ears and head.
Meditation and Yoga.
Stress and anxiety caused by constant sounds in your head and ears can be helped by practising Yoga or meditation. Stretching and keeping fit may help with your tinnitus symptoms. Meditation and learning how to relax can also help you live with your tinnitus.
Massage for tinnitus.
Please leave a comment if any of the suggestions have helped you with your tinnitus.
Tinnitus may interfere with your sleeping. But with the steps below, you can learn more about sleeping with tinnitus.
However, you can take several steps to help you sleep with tinnitus. The RNID fact sheet on how to sleep with tinnitus provides the following useful advice:
Try relaxation exercises.
Try regular exercise. Fit people tend to sleep better. But avoid exercising too close to bedtime.
Go to bed when you feel sleepy and not just because it is a certain time. If you are not asleep in 20 or 30 minutes, get up, go to another room and do something quiet and relaxing, like reading. Go back to bed when you feel sleepy again.
Get up at the same time every day. This is one of the most important things you can do to improve sleep.
Try to limit the amount of caffeine and nicotine you have at night, as these are stimulants.
Keep your room at a temperature neither too cold nor too hot.
Do not read or watch TV in bed before trying to go to sleep. This would only make you feel more alert.
”?Wind down' for at least an hour before bedtime.
A special clock radio or sound pillow, emitting soothing sounds in your bedroom, including the sounds of waves and birdsong may help you relax and fall asleep.
In the quiet of your bedroom the constant ringing in your ear may become particularly annoying and deprive you of a good night's rest.
Tinnitus is probably causing that ringing or buzzing in your ear that doesn’t seem to go away. Maybe your doctor told you that tinnitus can’t be helped – that you’ll just have to deal with it?
Well, tinnitus is a condition that’s annoying at best and debilitating at worse – but there are ways to make it better. Here are some of the misconceptions that we have heard about tinnitus – andthe facts you need to know. MYTH: There is nothing I can do about tinnitus. FACT: Many people go to their doctor with complaints about ringing or buzzing in their ears and are told that there is little they can do about it. “Tinnitus is just something you will have to deal with,” they say. “Try to ignore it.” But the fact is that there is a LOT you can do to lessen the effects of tinnitus.
Here are some proven ways to help decrease the buzzing in your ears:
Tinnitus Sound Therapy - An important element in tinnitus treatment is the use of sound. Amplified sound from hearing aids, environmental influences, music, or noise generators can help minimize the contrast between the buzzing or ringing of tinnitus and the surrounding sound environment.
Ear Protection – Noise exposure is a leading cause of tinnitus. Wear ear protection when around loud sounds.
Tinnitus Counseling – Assessment and counseling with an experienced hearing healthcare professional trained in managing tinnitus can help determine the cause of your tinnitus and minimize the negative impact it may have on your quality of life. The effects of tinnitus can often be lessened by a combination of counseling and sound therapy.
Relaxation exercises – Stress can often make tinnitus worse. Read a book, go for a walk, and practice breathing techniques and relaxation exercises.
MYTH: Tinnitus is temporary. It will go away soon. FACT: Some forms of tinnitus are temporary and caused by recent exposure to loud noise. Others are more long-lasting or consist of recurring episodes. Tinnitus affects people in many ways. According to the UK’s National Healthcare System, there are several different “sounds of tinnitus.”
These tinnitus sounds include:
Mild tinnitus – This form of tinnitus can often be masked by louder sounds. People with mild tinnitus may only notice the ringing or buzzing in their ears when in very quiet surroundings like when trying to sleep or reading a book.
High-pitched tinnitus – Most people experience tinnitus as a high-pitched hissing, whistling, or buzzing in their ears. Sometimes these sounds are related to your posture – you may only hear them when you are sitting or lying down, or when you turn your head a certain way.
Low-frequency tinnitus – Sometimes tinnitus can be heard as a low-pitched sound like a rumbling.
Musical hallucinations – Rarely, tinnitus will manifest itself as a musical hallucination that leaves you hearing a song repeatedly in your head.
MYTH: There are pills that will provide a tinnitus cure. FACT: Some companies will try to point you to a miraculous tinnitus cure where a few pills will stop all signs of tinnitus. While much research has been done around the effects of medication and vitamin supplements on tinnitus, there is currently no proven tinnitus cure. Only tinnitus management devices and sound therapy have been proven to decrease the effects of tinnitus. MYTH:Hearing aids can’t help tinnitus. FACT: Hearing aids are one of the most effective ways to beat tinnitus. Widex hearing aids are especially helpful for tinnitus patients because they:
Provide maximum amplification for very quiet environments thus reducing the contrast between tinnitus and silence
Limit the overall loudness of sound delivered to the ear in noisier environments, which may be critical for people with hearing loss
Hearing aids can also come equipped with Widex ZEN, a functionality that plays soothing tones give relief from tinnitus when you need it. MYTH: Tinnitus and hearing loss aren’t linked. FACT: Many people with tinnitus will also have a hearing loss. In fact, a recent French study showed that of 123 people with tinnitus surveyed only one did not have hearing loss. The British Tinnitus Association estimates that 90 percent of people with tinnitus also have a hearing loss. Moreover, research says that those who don’t may have a “hidden hearing loss.” MYTH: I never listened to loud music, so I won’t get tinnitus. FACT: Noise exposure is one cause of tinnitus – but there are several more. MYTH: Tinnitus is a new condition caused by MP3 players. People didn’t have it in the old days. FACT: Tinnitus has been around for as long as people have been writing things down. A 2004 study says that even people in ancient Egypt made reference to the condition. Other research shows that the great composer Ludwig Van Beethoven had tinnitus.