Showing posts with label tinnitus news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tinnitus news. Show all posts

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Where I'm at with Tinnitus now .My Tinnitus story.How I'm trying to get ...

What I am doing to get rid of disabling Tinnitus.

My Tinnitus story. How I'm trying to get rid of Tinnitus.

So far I have tried lots of different things to get rid of Tinnitus. My Tinnitus is a very high pitched microwave kind of sound frequency that is relentless 24 hours a day. Disabling Tinnitus. This is how my doctor diagnosed with me. Debilitating Tinnitus. This is when the sound in your ears is so loud and almost painful that it affects your ability to function in everyday life. Such as work or even looking after yourself properly. I have suffered with Tinnitus sounds. For quite some time and to be honest I am sick of it. But I will not give up until I have found a Tinnitus cure. Getting rid of Tinnitus is my no 1 goal in my life. As I have stated in the video I am currently taking herbal tinctures to help with getting rid of Tinnitus. And to help with Insomnia and sleep problems caused by this most awful Tinnitus noise in my head and ears. The ringing in ears is there all the time. I have recently been suffering with massive Tinnitus spikes. Tinnitus spikes are where the Tinnitus noise gets so loud that it is almost unbearable. I find Tinnitus spikes at night, the most difficult to deal with because it they affect my ability to sleep. I am taking prescription medication even although I am not keen to do this for my disabling Tinnitus. I am still growing and Juicing fresh Wheatgrass and this is a good thing to do for my health. I strongly advice others to get into growing and juicing Wheatgrass for all the fantastic benefits. Check out this Wheatgrass page to learn how to grow Wheatgrass and see the benefits of Juicing Wheatgrass every day. Black seed oil is still on my list as well so I take this daily too. If the herbal tinctures for Tinnitus don't work in helping rid myself of Tinnitus. I will look to Chinese medicine to help me get rid of Tinnitus, in the future and of course I will let everyone know how I am getting on. You might find this Tinnitus forum helpful for you if your new to Tinnitus. Please like and subscribe to my humble channel. And please comment and let me and everyone else know if you suffer with Tinnitus. If you have found a Tinnitus cure. If you have a positive Tinnitus story. Thank you for watching this video. for Tinnitus advice, Tinnitus tips. And Tinnitus help.

For more Tinnitus information check out

Friday, 29 October 2021

Tinnitus update| My Tinnitus treatments to get rid of Tinnitus|Tinnitus ...

Tinnitus update| My Tinnitus treatments to get rid of Tinnitus|Tinnitus news.

In this video I give a little Tinnitus update as to what I am currently doing to get rid of Tinnitus. Tinnitus treatments. Natural Tinnitus treatments that I am trying at the moment. Of course as mentioned in other videos,there seems to be no quick fix for Tinnitus. So whatever Tinnitus treatments you are going to try, they all do take some time to show any effect. But if you are a Tinnitus sufferer, then you will like me be prepared to try almost any thing to get rid of it. Tinnitus masking. Tinnitus hearing aids. Tinnitus coping strategies. May all help but our ultimate goal is to stop Tinnitus. I am still taking Black seed oil from the Cumin plant in the middle east. And I am taking Herbal tinctures for Chronic Tinnitus. And also Herbal Tinctures for Insomnia. I am growing Wheatgrass and freezing it and taking it daily. Wheatgrass is a fantastic source of many vitamins, live enzymes and minerals that our bodies need to function properly. So I am hoping that this will strengthen my body too. As mentioned in the video I have also gone to a very good Chiropractor today for my fist session .Chiropractic therapy for Tinnitus. May seem strange but some people apparently have cured themselves of Tinnitus with Chiropractic therapy. I continue to search for ways to cure Tinnitus. And like you I want to stop the Tinnitus sounds in my head for good. I am sure that one day soon I will be making a video which explains how I got rid of Tinnitus. Its worth remembering that there are lots of people who have cured themselves through one way or another of Tinnitus. 50 to 60 million Americans suffer with Tinnitus, which is a staggering number of people. But let's hope like me you will be one of the people that finds a Tinnitus cure. Please like this video. Please comment if you have had Tinnitus or are still suffering from it. Please let us all know what your Tinnitus sounds like and what you are doing to try to get rid of it or just to try and live with it. And of course please subscribe to the channel so that it encourages me to make more videos. Also check out for Tinnitus help and Tinnitus advice. Thank you. For Tinnitus sound therapy video to give you some Tinnitus relief: CLICK HERE:

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Fasting can be another tool to help tinnitus

Fasting can be another tool to help tinnitus.

Fasting can be another tool to help tinnitus.

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Friday, 18 January 2019

A case study of a Tinnitus sufferer.


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My tinnitus started years ago.

After giving it some thought I realized that in fact my tinnitus started a long time ago. I may well have had a part to play in bringing Tinnitus into my life. When I was young,I am 58 now.I used to play a saxophone in bands. We would practice in a soundproof garage with amplifiers and drums all close to each other. We also played on stage next or near to amplifiers. We were young and crazy.

 When you are young you don't think about noise damage to your ears.

I was young and didn't think that my exposure to loud noise would damage my ears. It seems silly now thinking about it. I am sat writing this blog post with a high pitch noise like a microwave going through my head. And yet in my younger years I never thought I would have this problem.

I did notice I had a problem at times but it wasn't constant.

I noticed some times that I had a loud noise in my head but it wasn't some thing that seemed to happen all the time. I would wake up in the night and hear what was like a very high pitched frequency a continuous sound. I say frequency because its not like a whistle but like the noise you used to get from old television sets a very high pitched noise. Or like a microwave going through my head. Any way I started to notice this in my early forties.

Glutton for punishment.

Strangely enough in my late forties while a lot of my friends were wearing their slippers and nodding of to sleep by the fire. I got into the rave scene. I became a promoter and went to international festivals and parties. Here again I was exposed to loud music. I might add I am a very young 58 year old. And still a bit crazy.

So now at fifty eight years old my Tinnitus is the worst it has been.

So at fifty eight years old I went to ask for medical help. I was surprised because in the UK,it is not really there. I did get referred to an audiologist and consultant hearing specialist how ever he informed me that there was nothing he could do. He ruled out any nasties like a tumor in the inner ear. Or any disease associated with my Tinnitus. So that was good to know.

I did try acupuncture.

Desperate for a cure I tried Acupuncture but this too didn't help me. Although for some people this does help.

So it was up to me to find a solution for my Tinnitus condition.

So my quest for Tinnitus relief began. I did try some Tinnitus treatments,but although I know other people that these treatments have helped, with me I was not so lucky. My worst problem to do with my Tinnitus is not the constant high pitched noise in my ears. But the fact that at night when things are very quiet,then I can hear this sound extremely loud in my ears and head. And this can affect my sleep pattern.

Insomnia became the second problem.

So not only did I have the loud noises in my ears and head but now I was not sleeping properly which led to me feeling tired some time spaced out. And other times low in mood and miserable due to lack of sleep. 

The things that have helped me with my Tinnitus and Insomnia.

So here are the things that I have found that now help me live with my Tinnitus.
Firstly at night I listen to white noise via head phones and an MP3 player. I download YouTube videos via a YouTube grabber and then put them on my MP3 player or my phone.
This masks the sounds in my ears and head. I prefer to listen to jet sounds (white noise) these generally last for over ten hours and so there is plenty of time to fall asleep. Of course other people listen vacuum cleaners,hair dryers,fans and the list is endless. You may laugh but these Youtube videos get millions of hits. Just showing that Tinnitus and Insomnia are very common problems.

Other things that help me to cope with my Tinnitus.

I have found that taking Nature Sleep a natural sleep enhancer can help too. But not all the time. This gently eases me into a good gentle nights sleep. Some herbal teas too have helped. Valerian teas help me and some branded sleeping liquids sold in super markets. I find reading a book just before I go to sleep calms me too. I also have a sound pillow which if I don't want to wear my head phones,I can plug my MP3 into a sound pillow which plays the music and masks the high pitched sounds in my head. I also find that some essential oils can help a good quality Lavender oil put on my pillow can relax me as well.One last tip that I got from a friend of mine was to take up Yoga by doing a Yoga course,relax and get in shape at the same time.She has said this has really helped with her Tinnitus.

So I have had to learn to live with my Tinnitus condition.

So now I am resigned to having to live with my Tinnitus. It has got worse in my later life but I am determined for it not to ruin my life. Of course now I am a bit wiser I do advise younger people to take care of their hearing and prevent ear damage. Wearing a good set of ear plugs at raves or parties is essential to prevent hearing loss and Tinnitus,

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Monday, 19 November 2018

7 myths about tinnitus

7 myths about tinnitus

tinnitus myths,tinnitus advice ,tinnitus article,tinnitus clinic,tinnitus alternative therapies,

Tinnitus Sound therapy CLICK IMAGE:

Tinnitus is probably causing that ringing or buzzing in your ear that doesn’t seem to go away. Maybe your doctor told you that tinnitus can’t be helped – that you’ll just have to deal with it?
Well, tinnitus is a condition that’s annoying at best and debilitating at worse – but there are ways to make it better. Here are some of the misconceptions that we have heard about tinnitus – and the facts you need to know.

MYTH: There is nothing I can do about tinnitus.

FACT: Many people go to their doctor with complaints about ringing or buzzing in their ears and are told that there is little they can do about it. “Tinnitus is just something you will have to deal with,” they say. “Try to ignore it.” But the fact is that there is a LOT you can do to lessen the effects of tinnitus.

Here are some proven ways to help decrease the buzzing in your ears:

  • Tinnitus Sound Therapy - An important element in tinnitus treatment is the use of sound. Amplified sound from hearing aids, environmental influences, music, or noise generators can help minimize the contrast between the buzzing or ringing of tinnitus and the surrounding sound environment.
  • Ear Protection – Noise exposure is a leading cause of tinnitus. Wear ear protection when around loud sounds.
  • Tinnitus Counseling – Assessment and counseling with an experienced hearing healthcare professional trained in managing tinnitus can help determine the cause of your tinnitus and minimize the negative impact it may have on your quality of life. The effects of tinnitus can often be lessened by a combination of counseling and sound therapy.
  • ZEN tones in hearing aids - ZEN tones can help you to get relief from tinnitus. ZEN tones are available as an individual program in all of Widex' newer hearing aids. By amplifying natural environmental sounds and the sounds of nature, ZEN tones can make ringing in the ears less prominent.

  • Relaxation exercises – Stress can often make tinnitus worse. Read a book, go for a walk, and practice breathing techniques and relaxation exercises.

MYTH: Tinnitus is temporary. It will go away soon.

FACT: Some forms of tinnitus are temporary and caused by recent exposure to loud noise. Others are more long-lasting or consist of recurring episodes. Tinnitus affects people in many ways. According to the UK’s National Healthcare System, there are several different “sounds of tinnitus.”

These tinnitus sounds include:

  • Mild tinnitus – This form of tinnitus can often be masked by louder sounds. People with mild tinnitus may only notice the ringing or buzzing in their ears when in very quiet surroundings like when trying to sleep or reading a book.
  • High-pitched tinnitus – Most people experience tinnitus as a high-pitched hissing, whistling, or buzzing in their ears. Sometimes these sounds are related to your posture – you may only hear them when you are sitting or lying down, or when you turn your head a certain way.
  • Low-frequency tinnitus – Sometimes tinnitus can be heard as a low-pitched sound like a rumbling.
  • Musical hallucinations – Rarely, tinnitus will manifest itself as a musical hallucination that leaves you hearing a song repeatedly in your head.

MYTH: There are pills that will provide a tinnitus cure.

FACT: Some companies will try to point you to a miraculous tinnitus cure where a few pills will stop all signs of tinnitus. While much research has been done around the effects of medication and vitamin supplements on tinnitus, there is currently no proven tinnitus cure.  Only tinnitus management devices and sound therapy have been proven to decrease the effects of tinnitus.

 Hearing aids can’t help tinnitus.

FACT: Hearing aids are one of the most effective ways to beat tinnitus. Widex hearing aids are especially helpful for tinnitus patients because they:

  • Provide maximum amplification for very quiet environments thus reducing the contrast between tinnitus and silence
  • Limit the overall loudness of sound delivered to the ear in noisier environments, which may be critical for people with hearing loss

Hearing aids can also come equipped with Widex ZEN, a functionality that plays soothing tones give relief from tinnitus when you need it.

MYTH: Tinnitus and hearing loss aren’t linked.

FACT: Many people with tinnitus will also have a hearing loss. In fact, a recent French study showed that of 123 people with tinnitus surveyed only one did not have hearing loss.  The British Tinnitus Association estimates that 90 percent of people with tinnitus also have a hearing loss. Moreover, research says that those who don’t may have a “hidden hearing loss.”

MYTH: I never listened to loud music, so I won’t get tinnitus.

FACT: Noise exposure is one cause of tinnitus – but there are several more.

MYTH: Tinnitus is a new condition caused by MP3 players.  People didn’t have it in the old days.

FACT: Tinnitus has been around for as long as people have been writing things down. A 2004 study says that even people in ancient Egypt made reference to the condition. Other research shows that the great composer Ludwig Van Beethoven had tinnitus.

“Taurine for Tinnitus Relief: My Journey to Quieter Days”

Welcome to my channel! Tinniusbreakingnews. In this video, I share my personal journey with tinnitus and how taking 6 grams of Taurine powde...