Showing posts with label buzzing in the ears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buzzing in the ears. Show all posts

Monday 19 November 2018

7 myths about tinnitus

7 myths about tinnitus

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Tinnitus Sound therapy CLICK IMAGE:

Tinnitus is probably causing that ringing or buzzing in your ear that doesn’t seem to go away. Maybe your doctor told you that tinnitus can’t be helped – that you’ll just have to deal with it?
Well, tinnitus is a condition that’s annoying at best and debilitating at worse – but there are ways to make it better. Here are some of the misconceptions that we have heard about tinnitus – and the facts you need to know.

MYTH: There is nothing I can do about tinnitus.

FACT: Many people go to their doctor with complaints about ringing or buzzing in their ears and are told that there is little they can do about it. “Tinnitus is just something you will have to deal with,” they say. “Try to ignore it.” But the fact is that there is a LOT you can do to lessen the effects of tinnitus.

Here are some proven ways to help decrease the buzzing in your ears:

  • Tinnitus Sound Therapy - An important element in tinnitus treatment is the use of sound. Amplified sound from hearing aids, environmental influences, music, or noise generators can help minimize the contrast between the buzzing or ringing of tinnitus and the surrounding sound environment.
  • Ear Protection – Noise exposure is a leading cause of tinnitus. Wear ear protection when around loud sounds.
  • Tinnitus Counseling – Assessment and counseling with an experienced hearing healthcare professional trained in managing tinnitus can help determine the cause of your tinnitus and minimize the negative impact it may have on your quality of life. The effects of tinnitus can often be lessened by a combination of counseling and sound therapy.
  • ZEN tones in hearing aids - ZEN tones can help you to get relief from tinnitus. ZEN tones are available as an individual program in all of Widex' newer hearing aids. By amplifying natural environmental sounds and the sounds of nature, ZEN tones can make ringing in the ears less prominent.

  • Relaxation exercises – Stress can often make tinnitus worse. Read a book, go for a walk, and practice breathing techniques and relaxation exercises.

MYTH: Tinnitus is temporary. It will go away soon.

FACT: Some forms of tinnitus are temporary and caused by recent exposure to loud noise. Others are more long-lasting or consist of recurring episodes. Tinnitus affects people in many ways. According to the UK’s National Healthcare System, there are several different “sounds of tinnitus.”

These tinnitus sounds include:

  • Mild tinnitus – This form of tinnitus can often be masked by louder sounds. People with mild tinnitus may only notice the ringing or buzzing in their ears when in very quiet surroundings like when trying to sleep or reading a book.
  • High-pitched tinnitus – Most people experience tinnitus as a high-pitched hissing, whistling, or buzzing in their ears. Sometimes these sounds are related to your posture – you may only hear them when you are sitting or lying down, or when you turn your head a certain way.
  • Low-frequency tinnitus – Sometimes tinnitus can be heard as a low-pitched sound like a rumbling.
  • Musical hallucinations – Rarely, tinnitus will manifest itself as a musical hallucination that leaves you hearing a song repeatedly in your head.

MYTH: There are pills that will provide a tinnitus cure.

FACT: Some companies will try to point you to a miraculous tinnitus cure where a few pills will stop all signs of tinnitus. While much research has been done around the effects of medication and vitamin supplements on tinnitus, there is currently no proven tinnitus cure.  Only tinnitus management devices and sound therapy have been proven to decrease the effects of tinnitus.

 Hearing aids can’t help tinnitus.

FACT: Hearing aids are one of the most effective ways to beat tinnitus. Widex hearing aids are especially helpful for tinnitus patients because they:

  • Provide maximum amplification for very quiet environments thus reducing the contrast between tinnitus and silence
  • Limit the overall loudness of sound delivered to the ear in noisier environments, which may be critical for people with hearing loss

Hearing aids can also come equipped with Widex ZEN, a functionality that plays soothing tones give relief from tinnitus when you need it.

MYTH: Tinnitus and hearing loss aren’t linked.

FACT: Many people with tinnitus will also have a hearing loss. In fact, a recent French study showed that of 123 people with tinnitus surveyed only one did not have hearing loss.  The British Tinnitus Association estimates that 90 percent of people with tinnitus also have a hearing loss. Moreover, research says that those who don’t may have a “hidden hearing loss.”

MYTH: I never listened to loud music, so I won’t get tinnitus.

FACT: Noise exposure is one cause of tinnitus – but there are several more.

MYTH: Tinnitus is a new condition caused by MP3 players.  People didn’t have it in the old days.

FACT: Tinnitus has been around for as long as people have been writing things down. A 2004 study says that even people in ancient Egypt made reference to the condition. Other research shows that the great composer Ludwig Van Beethoven had tinnitus.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

What is Tinnitus? What causes Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the name given to a condition that millions of people suffer from all around the world.

Tinnitus is an expression given to different types of sounds in the ears or head which is not from an external source. These sounds can be like a hissing in the ears,high pitched whistling,clicking,whirring,buzzing or ringing.

Tinnitus,tinnitus hearing aids,tinnitus solutions,get rid of tinnitus,


What are the main causes of Tinnitus?

Doctors and medical professionals are not really sure what actually causes Tinnitus.
How ever they do acknowledge that damage and loss of tiny hair cells in the cochlea
may affect this condition.
This can happen at all ages and seems to happen when people are subjected to long periods of exposure to excessively loud noise such as loud music,industrial machinery
Gun fire or explosives.

Other factors that can cause Tinnitus.

Some other reasons for tinnitus are Head and neck Injuries. Ear infections, a build up of wax in the ear. Or rarely a tumor in the inner ear.Having a perforated ear drum can cause noises in the ear as well. Some medications such as Aspirin taken in large doses may affect a person too.

It is important to seek medical attention.

No matter what may have caused your Tinnitus, it is important to always seek medical advice first before 
trying to treat or live with your tinnitus.


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