Sunday, 3 July 2022

I cured my Tinnitus. Orlando's story.


tinnitus cure,tinnitus sounds,tinnitus sound therapy,tinnitus positive story

Tinnitus meeting Tinnitus to silence Julian Cowan Hill.

Many people are suffering with Tinnitus of one sort or another. Tinnitus sounds or ringing in the ear sounds vary, but if you are suffering from a Tinnitus condition chances are you are probably wondering if you will have to put up with Tinnitus for the rest of your.

Many ENT specialists will tell their patients or clients that Tinnitus is due to damage to the ears and that there is no known cure. So you will have to learn to live with it.

This may be trying to mask the Tinnitus sounds with masking devices. And maybe taking anti depressants or tranquilizers to calm you down. Of course taking any prescription medication long term will have side effects and are generally not a good idea.

People are usually so desperate and frightened that they may go along with their health professionals advice. And the Tinnitus either just gets worse or Tinnitus sufferers just have to learn to put up with it. Unfortunately for some the Tinnitus sounds may be so loud or uncomfortable that they may take their own life.

So to find positive Tinnitus stories where people have managed to get rid of Tinnitus is really encouraging and inspiring for those of us who still suffer with terrible Tinnitus.

Many people who do find way's to cure their Tinnitus usually do this naturally with out the use of pharmaceutical drugs. People may find Craniosacral therapy ,meditationYoga, or
 Tai chi help them on their way to a Tinnitus cure.

We would like to say thank you to Julian Cowan Hill who is an expert in the field of Tinnitus after suffering with it himself for many years. You can watch more on his You tube channel.

If you are suffering with any form of Tinnitus, please feel free to leave a comment below to help others. And if you have found something which has helped you cure your Tinnitus please let us all know. 

Wishing you all a peaceful silence Royston.

tinnitus sufferer,tinnitus treatment,tinnitus relief,tinnitus stories,tinnitus

Saturday, 2 July 2022

Tinnitus to Silence: David Lam

Tinnitus. Positive stories of people who got rid of their Tinnitus.

tinnitus,tinnitus sounds,tinnitus to silence,tinnitus cure,tinnitus masking

I will be sharing Tinnitus to silence meeting with Julian Cowan Hill. Here he allows people who have suffered terrible Tinnitus to tell their positive stories about how they got rid of Tinnitus.

David Lamm explains what happened and how he first got Tinnitus . He then talks about his journey out of Tinnitus and into silence. He is not the only person to have managed to go have suffered with Tinnitus, and then has found ways to cure himself of Tinnitus for good.

Many doctors and ENT specialists will tell you that there is no cure for Tinnitus. You just have to put up with it. Maybe with masking devices and medications such as antidepressants or other drugs.

For a lot of people this just isn't good enough, in fact many people can become depressed withdrawn and isolated when trying to cope with having Tinnitus.

In my own case I suffer with a terrible high pitched microwave kind of frequency sound which is like someone shooting me in the head with a lazer beam. This kind of Tinnitus is called disabling Tinnitus because it affects my ability to function properly Work, relationships.
I also suffer with Insomnia which also has its affects on my life in other ways too.

So on a positive note if your suffering from Tinnitus like me, then their could be light at the end of the tunnel after all. I will be sharing other people's positive experiences who have also managed to find a way to get rid of Tinnitus. Some people also have learned to cope with living with Tinnitus.

Body based therapies such as Craniosacral massage may help to destress people who have Tinnitus problems. Yoga, Meditation, Qigong are all important body based therapies that can help too why not try them?. But what I have learned is what may work for one person suffering with Tinnitus may not work for another. So it is just a matter of trying different therapies and treatments until you find one or one's that help you with your Tinnitus condition.

I have mapped out my Tinnitus journey so far on You tube HERE:


tinnitus story,julian cowan hill,tinnitus book,tinnitus experience,tinnitus cure

Friday, 1 July 2022

Tinnitus can be cured. Another Tinnitus success story.

Tinnitus positive stories No 3

Another Tinnitus positive success story.

positive tinnitus sstories,tinnitus cure,tinnitus sounds,ringing in ears

I am happy to bring you another Tinnitus positive story. These stories just go to show that Tinnitus can be cured and you can get rid of Tinnitus. Of course this may not happen to every single person however it is so encouraging if you are a Tinnitus sufferer and Tinnitus has ruined your life.

Having Tinnitus as many of you know can have devastating effects on your life. This can cause anxiety, insomnia depression and in some sad cases even suicide. 

Being trapped inside your head with no escape from the Tinnitus sound or sounds can literally make your life a very lonely place to be. So to know that there may be a way out of this Tinnitus torture that so many people have to endure is a wonderful thing.

I hope you enjoy these Tinnitus positive stories and they inspire you to look for ways to help you cure your Tinnitus condition and get rid of the Tinnitus sounds and ringing in your ears and head.

Please comment below if you to suffer with Tinnitus and let us know what kind of noise you hear. And please let us know if you have a positive Tinnitus story to tell.

Thank you for coming to our Tinnitus positive article.

tinnitus,tinnitus cures,tinnitus to silence,how to get rid of tinnitus,

Julian Cowan Hill's positive Tinnitus story..

For a Tinnitus forum try Tinnitus talk

Thursday, 30 June 2022

Tinnitus Talk: Sounds of Tinnitus

What does your Tinnitus sound like?

Tinnitus sounds can be different for each person.

Tinnitus sounds,tinnitus sound therapy,tinnitus sufferers,tinnitus cure

The Tinnitus sounds people experience when they suffer form Tinnitus can be different for each individual. These sounds may present in different ways and in the intensity of the sound or sounds heard.

Many people suffer with Tinnitus and in the USA up to 60 million people could be suffering with some sort of Tinnitus problem. That is a staggering amount of people. And as yet there is no known medical cure for Tinnitus.

People who suffer with Tinnitus may hear clicking, whistling, buzzing ,whooshing or high pitched electronic frequency sounds as is the case with myself. However whatever Tinnitus sounds you are experiencing, the Tinnitus condition can have a massive impact on people's lives.

With the constant ringing in ears. Or the constant Tinnitus sounds being heard in your head people start to feel stressed ,anxious and sometimes suffer with depression. Insomnia due to the relentless Tinnitus noise is very common. And Insomnia can lead to sickness and illness too.

If you are suffering with Tinnitus please leave a comment below this post to tell us just what sort of Tinnitus sounds you are hearing. Or if you have had success with Tinnitus relief of some kind please let us know.


Tinnitus masking,tinnitus sound,masking tinnitus sounds,tinnitus,

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Tinnitus to Silence Event - Positive Tinnitus stories No 2.Tinnitus News.

Tinnitus positive stories. 

If you suffering from Tinnitus, you may have been told that there is no cure.

Tinnitus cure,tinnitus treatments,white noise,white noise machine

 However in these positive Tinnitus stories shared from Julian Cowan Hill's You tube channel we can see that people can in fact get cured or cure themselves of Tinnitus and get rid of their Tinnitus condition.

This is exciting news if you are suffering from some sort of Tinnitus whether mild, disabling or debilitating.

So I have decided to share these positive Tinnitus stories to give hope to other Tinnitus sufferers who are finding life hard due to their Tinnitus conditions.

Tinnitus can be cured despite what ENT consultants might say or other health professionals.
This is wonderful Tinnitus News. So to see people who have overcome their Tinnitus sounds and Tinnitus life is very encouraging. This gives hope to us all. And I hope it gives hope to you as well.

As Julian Cowan Hill and others say, it is important to focus on positive Tinnitus stories as much as possible and to try and remain positive. I know this can be so difficult if your spiking or your Tinnitus is deafening as in my case(my Tinnitus story).But I too hold hope and belief that I can get rid of Tinnitus and lead a normal life again.

I wish you all well with finding Tinnitus cures or ways to get rid of Tinnitus.

Please feel free to comment under this article if you suffer with Tinnitus and tell us what you do to cope with having Tinnitus or what kind of Tinnitus you suffer from.

Julian Cowan Hill's Tinnitus story.


Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Simple breathing technique to give you Tinnitus relief.

Simple breathing technique to help with Tinnitus.

Simple breathing technique to help leave stressful thinking behind and refocus on the body in a helpful way.


Julian Cowan Hill gives information on simple breathing exercises for Tinnitus sufferers and those people who are stressed and anxious.

Tinnitus sufferers are very often known to suffer with stress. And even conventional medicine with Tinnitus says that stress can be a very great player in making Tinnitus happen.

For more Tinnitus information check out Tinnitus talk forum:

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Where I'm at with Tinnitus now .My Tinnitus story.How I'm trying to get ...

What I am doing to get rid of disabling Tinnitus.

My Tinnitus story. How I'm trying to get rid of Tinnitus.

So far I have tried lots of different things to get rid of Tinnitus. My Tinnitus is a very high pitched microwave kind of sound frequency that is relentless 24 hours a day. Disabling Tinnitus. This is how my doctor diagnosed with me. Debilitating Tinnitus. This is when the sound in your ears is so loud and almost painful that it affects your ability to function in everyday life. Such as work or even looking after yourself properly. I have suffered with Tinnitus sounds. For quite some time and to be honest I am sick of it. But I will not give up until I have found a Tinnitus cure. Getting rid of Tinnitus is my no 1 goal in my life. As I have stated in the video I am currently taking herbal tinctures to help with getting rid of Tinnitus. And to help with Insomnia and sleep problems caused by this most awful Tinnitus noise in my head and ears. The ringing in ears is there all the time. I have recently been suffering with massive Tinnitus spikes. Tinnitus spikes are where the Tinnitus noise gets so loud that it is almost unbearable. I find Tinnitus spikes at night, the most difficult to deal with because it they affect my ability to sleep. I am taking prescription medication even although I am not keen to do this for my disabling Tinnitus. I am still growing and Juicing fresh Wheatgrass and this is a good thing to do for my health. I strongly advice others to get into growing and juicing Wheatgrass for all the fantastic benefits. Check out this Wheatgrass page to learn how to grow Wheatgrass and see the benefits of Juicing Wheatgrass every day. Black seed oil is still on my list as well so I take this daily too. If the herbal tinctures for Tinnitus don't work in helping rid myself of Tinnitus. I will look to Chinese medicine to help me get rid of Tinnitus, in the future and of course I will let everyone know how I am getting on. You might find this Tinnitus forum helpful for you if your new to Tinnitus. Please like and subscribe to my humble channel. And please comment and let me and everyone else know if you suffer with Tinnitus. If you have found a Tinnitus cure. If you have a positive Tinnitus story. Thank you for watching this video. for Tinnitus advice, Tinnitus tips. And Tinnitus help.

For more Tinnitus information check out

“Taurine for Tinnitus Relief: My Journey to Quieter Days”

Welcome to my channel! Tinniusbreakingnews. In this video, I share my personal journey with tinnitus and how taking 6 grams of Taurine powde...