Wheatgrass is packed with lots of essential nutrients.
Wheat grass for Tinnitus?
Although there is no hard evidence that wheatgrass can cure Tinnitus, there is a very good reason that it may help someone suffering with Tinnitus. Wheatgrass is packed full of essential nutrients and live enzymes. It has been known to cure people of cancer and Anne Wigmore the lady who bought Wheatgrass to the worlds attention in the 1950's based her health centre in Florida around the use of Wheatgrass for curing disease and changing people's lives to be able to live very healthily.
Because Wheatgrass has so many essential nutrients ,vitamins and minerals which are fresh when drinking pure juice, the body is able to detoxify and heal itself. This is why Wheatgrass may be a good way to go if you suffer from Tinnitus. When you drink Wheatgrass most people get a very healthy rush of good energy as the body absorbs all the fantastic goodness from the Wheatgrass. Wheatgrass has Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, and many more minerals which are said to be good for your ears and if you suffer from Tinnitus.
Wheatgrass for Tinnitus and overall health does not need to be that expensive either. It is best to get hold of fresh Wheatgrass, or you can buy frozen Wheatgrass, however this sometimes isn't the cheapest way to buy Wheatgrass. You can buy Wheatgrass powder too. And this is useful if you haven't got time to grow it yourself. But I feel the fresh Wheatgrass juice is better for you. So the very best way to be able to get your own super fresh Wheatgrass is to grow your own. It is not difficult to grow and have a rotating crop growing in trays that can be grown on your window sill if need be. You will need a Wheatgrass juicer though as most normal juicers do not juice Wheatgrass. I suggest getting a hand controlled Wheatgrass juicer and you can buy these for not too much money. I personally have invested in a stainless steel Juicer which will last me a lifetime. Once you have made your juice you can freeze it and keep it in ice trays in the freezer until you need it. This will not affect the quality of the Wheatgrass juice.
I suffer with disabling Tinnitus and after drinking Wheatgrass juice for only a few days I felt so much better in myself. So I am very excited about this. I also have lots of energy. Just a word of warning. Wheatgrass juice detoxifies the body and the liver so don't over do the dose in the beginning. A normal shot of Wheatgrass is about 30mls. How ever start with 10 or 15 mls at first and build up to 30mls twice a day. If not you can sometimes get a headache and feel nauseous.
Some people don't like the taste either so it is a good idea to put it into a fruit juice to take the taste away if you don't like the taste. However a lot of people just drink it like a shot in one go.
To grow Wheatgrass you do need good organic Wheat seeds if you can get them. This is important for germination and also getting a good crop. Wheatgrass takes about 14 days to grow and be able to cut it and juice. Sometimes sooner when you get good at growing it.
Wheatgrass is not expensive and you will find that the seeds go along way. So this isn't going to break the bank. To be able to grow such a miracle food cheaply is absolutely fantastic. I personally feel that this is much better than buying Vitamins and minerals in tablet or capsule form. Having the live enzymes is the key to healing and detoxing the body.
If you do suffer from Tinnitus and you are still searching for something to help get rid of your Tinnitus. Or even give you some Tinnitus relief. Then drinking Wheatgrass is definitely a good way to go. Try it for a while and see how it affects your Tinnitus and your general health. From my own experience my Tinnitus hasn't gone away completely but I feel a lot healthier and I also am able to cope with my Tinnitus symptoms better. I feel a lot better in myself.
Again Wheatgrass may not be for everyone suffering from debilitating Tinnitus or Tinnitus in general but in my opinion it's a great way to get healthier and feel good in yourself.
Please leave a comment below if Wheatgrass has helped you or someone else you know.
I hope you found this post helpful and wish you all the best if you suffer from Tinnitus too.
Stainless steel hand Wheatgrass juicer.
For Tinnitus relief check out this video Tinnitus sound therapy.